What is training?
What is labor?
Just want to have money?
Or, you want to improve yourself?
Japanese training system is changed.
It will follow minimum wage.
So employer must pay trainees same as labor.
So on personnel expenses, trainee and labor is same.
So what is the differences?
It is just their mind.
If they consider only money, they are labor.
If they see very well for their future, they are trainees.
But for employer, why do they want to have trainees from foreign countries?
Before, they thought trainees are cheaper expenses, and also mind of voluntary.
Now, Japanese economy is going down.
I wonder that they still need trainees?
And employer needs to pay additional cost for foreign country’s trainees aside from personnel expenses.
It is for Japanese language training, and also flight ticket.
So, they need to pay more than hiring japanese.
Do you still want to have trainees from overseas?
It is the way of japanese government now.
By the way, here, philippines has a lot of '” trainee'” going to japan.
They are trainees. But some are thinking just money.
It is an opportunity to work. especially Japan, it is one of the most expensive country.
They are really lucky.
They can go japan with minimum expenses, then they can work and see japan.
However what is the purpose of the training?
To earn money?
To improve yourself?
To develop your country?
Why do they see only machine and richness in japan?
Japan was same here before, after world war 2.
Then they, japanese have worked very hard, and tried to be better and better.
And they always have seen their dream.
Then we have now.
The most important is process, not only outcome.
The process is how to develop.
There is nothing outcome except process.
Keep dream.
See, experience many things to improve your country.
It is that i want to say to all '”trainees”…