Mokusaku has a lot of substances.
There are also sterilizing substances in the mokusaku.
Because also mokusaku is acidic liquid, pH 2-3.
These substances can control athlete’s foot.
Put mokusaku into container which you can soak your foot.
It is better plastic container.
If you use metal one, it will be corroded by acidic liquid.
Then, soak your foot.
5-10 minutes, twice a day.
Before you might feel itch, then after you soak foot, you will not feel the itch.
And also your sole will be clean.
Then continue to do it everyday.
Even if you use medicine, you must continue to treat.
If you stop to treat, athlete's foot might recur.
It needs 1 month.
Because our cell is always born and die.
It takes almost 1 month that all keratin and skin change to new cell.
We’ll see the effect.
Secrets Of Ringworm Treatment: Everything you ever needed to know about Ringworm, Athletes Foot, Jock Itch, other forms of fungal infection and how to treat them. |