According to this data, Japan is the most agricultural chemicals quantity consumed per unit area in the world.
Data ( Reference: 社会事情データ図録-主要国の農薬使用量推移-Japanese Site-)
Original data is OECD
Upper graph
X is year ( 1990-2004)
Y is Agricultural chemicals quantity used ( kgs/ha)
Color of line | Country |
Black | Japan |
Blue | South Korea |
Orange | Netherlands |
Light green | Italy |
Brown | U.K. |
Pink | France |
Light blue | Germany |
Dark green | U.S. |
Actually it is not data contains whole country in the world.
Even though, Japan is using many agricultural chemicals.
This data is on quantity per unit area(ha).
Usually, horticulture farming is used more chemicals than grain farming.
It might be one reason for the graph…
However, Neatherlands, South Korea, these are small country and horticultural farming area, are using agricultural chemicals lesser than Japan.
And also…
55% agricultural chemicals cost in the world is using Japan rice field.( 無肥料栽培-日本の稲作は世界の農薬使用金額の55%を使用している!-Japanese Ste-)
Country Cropping area Yield(A) Agricultural chemicals cost(B) One hundred million JPY (B)/(A) Herbicide Insecticide Pesticide Total JPY/kg Japan 2.3 14.5 712.5 525 576 1813.5 12.50 China 32.2 172.0 30 180 66 276 0.16 India 41.1 90.0 27 172.5 24 223.5 0.25 Sounth Korea 1.2 7.9 30 75 67.5 172.5 2.18 U.S. 0.9 6.0 90 30 3 123 2.05 Thailand 9.2 18.4 21 45 15 81 0.44 Philippines 3.5 9.0 18 40.5 9 67.5 0.75 Brazil 5.8 10.0 37.5 33 4.5 75 0.75 Total 144.2 466.7 1147.5 1350 825 3322.5 0.71 Ratio of Japan 1.60% 3.11% 62.1% 38.9% 69.8% 54.6% - 注)出典は植村他編「農薬毒性の辞典」(三省堂,1988年)
(million ha)
(million ton)
This data is quite old(1986)
Even though, we can see how much agricultural chemicals Japanese rice farmer had used on that time, especially herbicide.
It is just on the data. I’m not sure in the real.
Because this data is on JPY.
Everyone knows Japanese commodity price is too high.
They used too much…
I think the reason.
1. Japanese customer is too strict for products.
They might complain if the products has insect or disease.
and also they prefer perfect form.
2.Japan has monsoon season. And also Japan has only small agricultural area.
These are some reason regarding to agricultural chemicals usage in Japan.
If they use so much chemicals, we must worry about the products. There are too much poison.
We should produce foods from healthy soil. And the foods from healthy soil has resistance to insect and pest.
However, some farmers are not considering their soil. They consider only the products form.
What is the most important for agricultural business?