Mokusaku(=wood vinegar) is what is very complicated.
When you use Mokusaku as disease and insect control,
we hear many story such as it was effected to them or not.
Besides, there are many differences analysis data depends on wood variety.
This is sure, mokusaku quality is difference depends on wood variety.
And also you can separate/refine on effective substances.
But I wonder in either case are not real character of mokusaku.
You cannot separate micro-organisms from mokusaku,
even if you use any method.
However, if you dilute little by little,
micro-organisms propagate above a level of concentration.
Micro-organisms which propagate at first are Acidophile microorganisms
what like in acidic environment.
Then micro-organisms which like organic acid propagate.
Even if you dilute acetic acid, main substance of mokusaku,
you will not get same result.
And also you will not get same result from the experiment using phenol
that is estimated as a sterilizing substance.
sometimes we have illusion that we cannot scientifically realize all of phenomenon.
Or we recognize that phenomenon what we cannot certify in scientific is unscientific.
There is a example we are using phenol, alcoholic substances and etc. what separated/refined from mokusaku for factory.
But agricultural using is different to factory using.
Mokusaku is not same pesticide like mono-substance,
and contains more than 200 different substances included unknown-effect substances.
Those substances are making effect for agriculture.
So we start to consider those interesting effect
by the diversity and impurity what pesticide doesn't heve.
When you use Mokusaku as disease and insect control,
we hear many story such as it was effected to them or not.
Besides, there are many differences analysis data depends on wood variety.
This is sure, mokusaku quality is difference depends on wood variety.
And also you can separate/refine on effective substances.
But I wonder in either case are not real character of mokusaku.
You cannot separate micro-organisms from mokusaku,
even if you use any method.
However, if you dilute little by little,
micro-organisms propagate above a level of concentration.
Micro-organisms which propagate at first are Acidophile microorganisms
what like in acidic environment.
Then micro-organisms which like organic acid propagate.
Even if you dilute acetic acid, main substance of mokusaku,
you will not get same result.
And also you will not get same result from the experiment using phenol
that is estimated as a sterilizing substance.
sometimes we have illusion that we cannot scientifically realize all of phenomenon.
Or we recognize that phenomenon what we cannot certify in scientific is unscientific.
There is a example we are using phenol, alcoholic substances and etc. what separated/refined from mokusaku for factory.
But agricultural using is different to factory using.
Mokusaku is not same pesticide like mono-substance,
and contains more than 200 different substances included unknown-effect substances.
Those substances are making effect for agriculture.
So we start to consider those interesting effect
by the diversity and impurity what pesticide doesn't heve.