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Masanobu Hukuoka

Today i watched documentary movie of Masanobu Hukuoka.

Masanobu Hukuoka, he advocated "Natural Farming"

It is not using fertilizer and pesticide, none cultivating and none watering.

So It is not on human activity. we leave farm such as nature.

Then he also advocated clay ball. he was using on his nature farming.

This movie is about spread his technology in India.

There is natural farming, his technology, in India.

And also there are many in the world.

There are a lot of his believer.

He said. the nature knows everything. the nature is the god.

For example, plants have disease.

It means the nature teach us some problem.

And also you can find some problem from harm of insect.

His opinion is that everything is on the balance of the nature.

If the balance is changed, unbalanced, the nature show us it as a problem for us.


I known him in my high school.

I impressed his philosophy.

I had dreamed i would live on his philosophy.

Even now, if I can, I want to experience his philosophy.


It is just farming. It is not agricultural business.

If I'm alone, I would be patient for myself.

But i want to have the most important person, and also children between her and me.

So do They also try to be patient?

I'm sure they will not.

I want my children to study free for them, and want to assist for them as much as possible.

Also for my wife, i want her to make not hardship.

How can I do those dream on natural farming?

It's too much difficult.

We are living on this time.

So "Natural farming" is the one of ideal, and one of the best philosophy.

That is what I think.

Masanobu Hukkuoka is a philosopher, but not farmer. It's my opinion in this time.


On this movie, he was 80+. he was walking with stick.

And he need some help to walk.

Besides, also he couldn't understand English well.

I thought he looks like my teacher in this project.

My teacher has back ache, so it's very hard for him to walk and use his body.

He might walk with stick...

And He cannot understand English well.

But he also has a very very good technology from his experience.

It's the same with Masanobu Hukuoka.

Masanobu Hukuoka has a good technology of natural farming.

Now the natural farming is spreading to the world.

My teacher's technology is spreading also in the world.

It is Soil improvement using Mokusaku and charcoal.

I feel very happy again to join his life.

There is one difference between my teacher and Masanobu Hukuoka.

My teacher is a farmer.

Masanobu Hukuoka is a philosopher.


I was surprised Masanobu Hukuoka died last August. He was 95 years old.


It's great idea that is clay ball.

This idea is very nice for re-foresting and back yard farming.

We can keep seeds long long time in the clay.

So they can wait for the most suitable environment for them.


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