If you spray pesticide, you'd better to mix mokusaku with pesticide.
Bucause mokusaku make penetration be better. So you can reduce amount of fungicide and insecticide with keeping effect.
Then you need only small amount for mokusaku to mix with your pesticide.
It is diluted by 100 to 500 diluted with water or pesticide.
Why is it big width, 100 to 500...?
Because mokusaku is not same substance, depending on material ( wood, bamboo, bark etc.)
and processing ( temperature in oven, settlement etc.) and also depends on situation of your farm, plants.
Anyway you should practice to get good effects from this liquid.
And this liquid is very acidic. so you can expect to spray only mokusaku.
it's good for fungus like gray mold. etc. you can spray to plant diluted liquid to cure some disease.
and mokusaku makes leaves to be strong, when you spray seedling, or small, young plants.
Because mokusaku makes leaves burn, but just little bit. So the young plants cure this burn.
Then leaves becomes stronger. So it can get resistance against insect and fungus.