But I just wanted to see Chinese sea on mountain.
But... I didn't remember where exact place.
I lost the way...
and there are a lot of hills, uphills and downhills.
there are very hard hills.
it was very hard to go up.
But it was very nice wind when i went downhills.
There are nice view and nice wind after hardship.
1/3 of the way, I walked with my bicycle.
Somewhere ( left- upper side), it's very lower place.
So I felt little bit warmer than my town.
I went down a lot...
And I had good place to see the sea.
But It was foggy there... I couldn't see the sea...
it took almost 2 hours until Baguio.
When i went uphill with walking, someone who ride bicycle passed...
I want to be like that... strong legs...
other time, also when i walked, someone went down this hill.
He greeted me with smile. I also returned with smile.
I felt all of bicycle rider are my friends.
When i arrived at my home, of course, i was hungry...
Do you remember me?
It is not a comment.
Only I have one of questions.
Can you give me your E-mali add.
Chikako ,Akita.JP