キーコーヒー、約15%の値上げへ コーヒー豆高騰で : J-CASTニュース
A coffee company announced to rise their coffee price.
Coffee price is now rising since last June. Because of unfavorable weather for coffee.
Especially Arabica beans is now double price compare to beginning of this year.
Now coffee beans is on demand in the world. Even cacao for chocolate.
Mountain here, there are lot of coffee planting. However, they produce individual and also for home consumption.
If they can form group and better process technology for world market, It will be business.
The important thing is processing.
Sorting. And also roasting.
I learned coffee has different taste depending how to roast.
So for here now, they need to have technology for processing and marketing.
Business man always says market is very easy to find,,,