【東日本大震災】「私たちはここに残る」 外国人介護士・看護師 被災地で奮闘続く [iza]
A lot of medical personnel are working at diseaster area of Tohoku earthquake all day and night. These “medical personnel” include nurses from Philippine’s and Indonesia’s ladies through Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) program. “ I cannot leave senior citizens.” “I’m not afraid to earthquake, tsunami. I want to help all of them.” They are praised by Indonesia government as “ Pride of Country”, and Filipinos media said “Heroin of nurses”. The victims are also impressed their devoted attitude
-Come to Japan through EPA
While foreigners in Japan is “escaping from Japan” because of accident of nuclear plant, 4 Filipino nurses are keeping to work at “ Komine-en”, nursing home for the elderly. One is from Nueva Viscaya, one is from Baguio. They came to Japan 2008 to 2009 on the basis of EPA.
Their family in the Philippines calls “ please come back” everyday, but the nurse talked “ Old ladies here gave us chocolates, and notebook for learning japanese. They are very kind. Only us cannot go back to our country.”
According to the Komine-en, their devoted work are very good reputation from the residents.
-Support with denying evacuate advice
One Indonesian’s nurse, has come since 2009, denied evacuate advise by Indonesian embassy in Japan, then is supporting for victims at his working hospital in Miyagi prefecture 1 week after the earthquake.
The nurse run to the hospital just after the earthquake, even the day, 11.march, was day off. They were uproar because of saw Tsunami, height is ca. 10m. She guided 120 of impatience to upstairs. There is a hill in front of the hospital, so the hospital was not hit by the tsunami. Several hundred of evacuees came to the hospital. The town had been in isolated for 1 week without electricity, communications and water.
She stayed the hospital to work there, also offered rice ball and water to the evacuees. Her family in Indonesia was worried to her. So she went back at one time to see her husband and 2 children, but she decided to go back to Miyagi on April. “ Impatience there are very kind, they taught me Japanese after work everyday. Now Japan has troubles, I really want to help them.”
-Repay Japan gratitude of earthquake of Sumatra
A nurse who has studied more than 8 hours everyday working red cross hospital in Hyogo prefecture then passed Japanese nursing exam on February this year, had a press interview at her working hospital.
She mentioned about the earthquake, “ Hopefully I would like to go disaster area.”
She had medical support in 2004, Sumatra Earthquake. She requested “When Indonesia was suffer the Earthquake, A lot of Japanese helped us. I would like to help the victims in tohoku, even though I have a little power.”