We installed Mokusaku plant in Tublay.
Municipal Agriculturist in Tublay is very interested in Yokomori san's technology.
So he was planning to mokusaku plant in Tublay.
The project appreciated his activity. So we support themto plant Mokusaku plant.
The location is Tublay Central, which is one of balangay in Tublay.
We prepared stainless part of the plant and drum part for smoke generator.
On the install, I feel how difficult is piling stone up for wall. It's like a puzzle.
We have to find best place to stabilize all stones.
And Stainless part had hole inside.
We had to repair it at Black smith...
At last we finished install.
After install, we started to demonstrate for collecting Mokusaku.
We started to burn.
They were collecting branches of wood. So we could use wood to collect.
During burning, it was strongly raining...
We covered roof for rain.
After 1 hour, Mokusaku was coming out.
The first, the liquid is black. And strong smell.
Later, the color was changing to light brown.
They can collect wood.
So we may make charcoal also.
At first, they will be practicing to collect Mokusaku.
Later Yokomori san will teach how to make charcoal.
The Mokusaku is known by more people in this day, also.
I hope when they have mokusaku, they experiment to use to find various effects.