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Oil Price Increasing (Slight Oil Shock..)

Oil price is increasing in the world market.

But government announced the price keeps price of now.

Because of typhoon calamities. If oil price increases, peoples will be harder to live.

But gas company cannot afford oil that price.

All of oil is imported, and the price is increasing.

They will get negative if they sell oil on this price.

Then now gas stations in manila are starting to close.And peoples are buying fuel as stock.

Government might give the announce for peoples life.

But the announcement is wrong I think…

They should consider deeply. Not only peoples benefits, but also other benefits in this country and also in the world.

I understand we need oil for our life. Then here is special situation now.

I think that government could support or assistant for peoples life. not control market.

And other things, we must produce our consumes in our country as much as possible.

Here, most of consumes are imported.

Peoples are working foreign countries. Then They send money to here.

And the money is use d for buying from foreign countries, materials, products and like.

So if it’s in this case, special situation such as now, or world crises,

we cannot survive here, even we have a lot of money…

The world becomes together, It’s globalization.

But There are still boundaries of countries.

Then the countries has differences of development.


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