Today, 07.September.2009 becomes holiday…
Because of the funeral of the leader of a religious group…
Then Philippines government announced 07.September would be holiday, on last Friday.
What is that? Why do they change to holiday?
They make holiday, very easily…
I don’t know the person is so important person. But not president, not emperor, not king…
This holiday, just good for government employee. They don’t need to work.
Just it.
Can you believe it? Government often makes special holiday.
Unglablich ist es.
It might be reason of election next year…
Or… I don’t know.
However, I just cannot believe government makes special holiday just the funeral of the leader of a religious group.
Maybe I just cannot imagine how important is religion in their life.
But It is just one of religions in Philippines…
Anyway, It’s special holiday today.