We installed Mokusaku Plant in OPAg, Office of Provincial Agriculturist. This plant is already 6th plant in Philippines. It's very good system to collect Mokusaku in Philippines. Because this system is using water to cool smoke. In Japan we have winter, so even if we don't have good cooling system, we can collect Mokusaku. But here, it's too hot to collect Mokusaku. So we must use something for cooling. Yokomori san saw this system in Paraguay. Then He duplicated in his Charcoal oven. ... It's very difficult to explain to control fire to make charcoal. And also we should make smoke slowly and long time. It's also difficult to control. So Yokomori san demonstrates on actual. And we must do, according to the situation. It is also difficult to explain and make manual. The care takers need to see his technologies for managing this plant.
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