What is safe food?
I felt it is healthier if I don’t take meet so much.
Sometimes I try to eat only vegetable.
I found it is very difficult. Because restaurant, even canteen, they serve meet.
Even if you avoid to take meet, your plate has meet even a little.
If you have allergy,? It is very hard to find good foods for you outside.
So you need to prepare for your food yourself.
It is good if you can recognize all material on your plate.
But what if you cannot recognize them?
The safest food is you prepare yourself.
But how about these material?
For example meet.
Where is it from?
What did the animal eat?
Were they injected hormones?
Were they taken anti-biotics?
How about vegetable?
Of course pesticides.
And now GMO is also needed to consider.
How about fish?
Everything polluted is going to sea.
Heavy metal, chemicals, Radiation, etc.
These are taken by microbes and lives in the sea.
These are eaten by fish, and the fish is eaten by bigger fish.
All pollution is concentrated in predator.
We, human, eat them.
Pollution return to us.
If you worry about all, it is too hard to eat.
We must give up something.
But we keep it in mind.
The safest food is you produced, and cooked.