Now here, strawberry farmers are using Sweet Charlie.
The variety is from U.S.
But the variety is winter season variety.
They produce flower only one time in a year.
It depends on season, weather, and day length.
But there are other varieties which produce anytime independent season and day length. it is called all season variety.
here in La Trinidad, it is very nice climate for strawberry. not so cold, and not so hot.
So we might be able to produce strawberry whole year as long as we take care of plants very well and cover plants in rainy season.
We are learned how to cross-pollinate of strawberry.
We will try to cross-pollinate, and find new variety for this area.
According to the specialist, the rate we found new good variety is very very low…
We just must continue to cross-pollinate.
Someday, we will use the good variety.