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Showing posts from January, 2010

Home Composting Technology

Now La Trinidad is becoming city, more population. We will be having, or already…, garbage problem. This time, we had hands-on seminar about home composting. This composting technology is using house hold garbage. We fill up kitchen waste in the drum for 2 months. Sometimes, we sprinkle microorganisms for fermentation. then, if the kitchen waste becomes compost, you can use already for your farm, or back yard. However, we need to keep half amount of the made compost for next composting process. The made compost have already good microorganisms. In due to transfer the microorganisms to new compost, we use fermented compost.


Origin of paper


Strawberry are growing well. But they are still small, we need to remove flower. Strawberry plant gives the flower most of nutrient from soil. But this time, we should still grow strawberry plant. So we remove flower to produce big/healthy strawberry plant for more yield.


Safe Vegetable Promotion Project in Benguet

We started extension/expansion project in Benguet. This project, we will promote Mr. Yokomori’s Technology. The technology is from his experiences. It is not only farming technology, but also his marketing technology. And, we will demonstrate strawberry producing on elevated bed for safe strawberry. … The project cover entire Benguet, especially 8 municipalities. We will have seminar, training about Safe Vegetable Production using compost, charcoal, Mokusaku, and other Organically local materials for soil. Safe Vegetable is produced by safe soil. We call it SAVERS, it is that “ Safe Vegetable from Rich Soil” This project is from January 2010 to March 2012. I hope that a huge number of farmers will be practicing Mr. Yokomori’s technology to produce safe, and good quality vegetable from rich soil.


Now here, strawberry farmers are using Sweet Charlie. The variety is from U.S. But the variety is winter season variety. They produce flower only one time in a year. It depends on season, weather, and day length. But there are other varieties which produce anytime independent season and day length. it is called all season variety. … here in La Trinidad, it is very nice climate for strawberry. not so cold, and not so hot. So we might be able to produce strawberry whole year as long as we take care of plants very well and cover plants in rainy season. … We are learned how to cross-pollinate of strawberry. We will try to cross-pollinate, and find new variety for this area. … According to the specialist, the rate we found new good variety is very very low… We just must continue to cross-pollinate. … Someday, we will use the good variety.

Strawberry Bed

In order to produce high quality strawberry, we installed elevated bed for strawberry. We could reduce pesticide, and also chemical fertilizer. And strawberry fruits are very far from soil. So the fruit is also clean. And most of environment for strawberry are controlled, so we can produce uniformed high quality strawberry fruits. These are just demonstration. Japanese Strawberry farmer installed and share technology. This model is advanced technology in Japan. Some materials are not available here, and quite expensive to install. Iron pipes and locking channels are very expensive… Then another strawberry specialist in Japan installed cheaper type. We used plastic planters. This model, we can install it using only local available materials. If this model is also able to produce good fruits, it’s already good technology.

My Favorite

I cannot pass here if I don’t eat… The smoke tempt me… It is really good for my stomach. Mangan :))

Depressed Weather

Not cheerful weather… It seems that the weather is going to winter… I feel depressed like this weather, or sad… or lonely… … Maybe… I have to think tomorrow… already working day…

der Himmel

It’s like in autumn sky. The sunlight is not strong, it’s calm sunshine.

Happy New Year :)))

First Sunrise in 2010. And then first breakfast in 2010. We can put “First” at everything. It’s a day for new starting :)))