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Showing posts from April, 2009

Mokusaku Facility

It is new mokusaku collecting system. It’s very big and burning chamber is box type. We can collect more mokusaku than first facility. We collected more than 50 litter in a day. And this facility make not so heat. So we can collect better quality mokusaku. Because if the burning chamber has high temperature ( more than 400 degrees), the notorious change to tar. This facility make lower temperature in the box. So we collect lesser tar.

Für dich…

You said I hurt someone by that I said everything… I think it is more hurt if I keep secret my truth… That’s why I try to not keep secret for everyone… I experienced, if I keep secret, I cannot keep it. God knows everything… … I said hurt is a part of life… It’s true. There is not only happiness, but also hurt. If you don’t like hurt, you should flat way. There is none hurt, but also none happiness… But I don’t want to make someone hurt… Even if I get hurt, even if I cry, I don’t want to give them… … Only time will settle it… We don’t know in the future. You might return… You might settle other way… Noone knows in future…

Ich kann nicht...

Human cannot live alone... Everyone has relationship each other. But how can I do for you, even you are thinking other things... I want to help you... But you might not need me... You are thinking other things... It's very hard... I cannot do anything for you... I could just ask, talk... But I cannot let you overcome it... You are only one who can overcome yourself...

ein Zurückgagn

It is a way going back to home from a farm. It is just a movie I went back… It is one of the memory in this project. I was very excited on that time… I cultivated the farm. I could work a lot , and hard… I felt everything was a new me to see. Cultivating. Walking. Working. Seeing people. All of the view. It was a start of this project.


  Sie sind sehr schöne Gesichte :) Ich liebe sie.

In die Traume

Es ist sehr gemütlich hier, auf dem Kompost. Es ist warm… … Here, itäs verz comfotable… It’s warm on this compost.

Good Processing for Compost

This is a good compost processing. You can see vapour from compost. It means the compost is heating with fermentation of micro- organisms. And This white Micro-organisms is very good for compost. The name is Actinomycetes. Micro-organisms activity make heat compost. Not only the micro-organisms, there are a huge number of microbes variety in the compost. Those micro-organisms are making better soil environment when you spread into your garden.


Where are you now…? You left here just 1 week ago… But I feel this 1 week as how many month… Even though I was busy, I couldn’t feel fast in this week… … In Japan there is a word. 一日千秋 It means I wait impatiently for you. But it’s not exactly… It’s like that,  I feel a day as one thousand autumns to wait for you… … I’m feeling it now…

die Sonnne

The Sun comes again to see us… It is not… Even we are not here, she comes here. We are small existence in this world. Even if we are not here, the world is going on… We just are lived by great Nature.

Es ist egal...16

I cannot understand you sometimes… Why did you say it…? You might say it as not really truth. But i feel that… You don’t find my mind, even if I try to fret… It seems to me that you don’t care of me… Nevertheless, you don’t mind it…


Pictured by Tomo You must be gone… It is a destiny It’s already decided on die, since when you were born… It’s not sad feeling to be gone… But you are gone… There is none “forever” at all… What do you do in your life…?

Departure to Japan

Happy Trip. I wish you will study/experience a lot of things, not only agriculture.

Closing Ceremony and Departure for Nagano Trainees 2009

  こんにちは。先日、4/11に長野研修生の渡航前講習の修了式が行なわれました。 ホーリーウィークの間の土曜日でしたが、両親や、OB研修生、先生、市役所の方々、農業省の方々に参加していただきました。そして州知事が激励に来てくれました。 研修生は、2月末からのオリエンテーション、日本語講習、そして草刈機講習などの渡航前講習を行い、4/10にスケジュールを終えました。 研修生の日本語はまだまだですが、日本語習得に精一杯がんばっています。 研修生たちは、4/16にマニラから日本へ発ちます。そして、東京のオリンピックセンターで、日本語の勉強をし、4/24に長野で受け入れ農家さんたちと会い、7ヶ月の農業研修が始まります。 その後、フィリピンに戻り、プロジェクト参加農家として、環境保全型農業を実践していきます。 そして、4/16に無事日本へ向けて出発しました。

Der Weg

I walk a way, it’s not wide but it’s a long way The way has only width for how many people. But there a lot of crossing. Sometimes the ways are going on side by side. However it’s not forever… Suddenly the ways are going on their own way. I cannot do anything. I just walk on the way. Sometimes I sit down. Sometimes I look at view. The way has going-up, going-down. It might be raining, and sunny. But the way will never break. The way will continue to the end…

Ich Warte Dir…

You left here for somewhere. You may come back after 1 week, or may not come back… How long I’m just waiting for… Even if I enjoy, even if I do something to forget waiting, my heart is not filled… It’s still keeping waiting for you… I cannot do anything to you. Just waiting. Just waiting…

Gawis ay agsapam


友だちと日本語についての話をしていたときに。 どうやって、単語を分けるの?って。 英語やったら単語ごとにスペースで分けるけれど。 日本語の場合、あっても、とか。だけでずっと文が続いてる。 は、とか、に、とか、を、とか、て、とかで区切ってるっちゃあ区切ってるけれど。 ... なるほど。 そう言われてみれば・・・

Ein Fragen

人間はサルから進化したのか? 神さまが作ったのか? I was surprised. Because I learned in junior High school about evolution of Darwin. It is a one of principal of biology. But here... I have never seen someone who believe god created human. They believe, of course, Bible. So they say human was created by God. I don't know which is true, because I didn't see it actually. I cannot deny the opinion. But I think human was from ape... ... This is it: Evolution and Creationism Combined Into a Coherent Model 人類誕生の謎が解決してしまった? Just joke.



It's not to say that this song is fugacious. But this song was linked to fugacious experience for me... Anyway it's good song. kenny rogers - you and i songs Music downloads | Mp3 downloads The Sun rise tomorrow again. デート誘われたからどうしよ。ってそんなん聞くなって。 しょんぼりするやんけ。

Welcome to La Trinidad

Article in Benguet Midland Corier

Baguio Midland Courier -Japan’s Mokusaku adopted in Benguet- The Article is about this project. It is written by BSU Student. She interviewed Yokomori san and she made this article. It’s about composting, Mokusaku, and Yokomori san’s history/technology. Thank you very much for making very nice article :)


I was invited a wedding. But I don't know whom... I visited Municipal hall to do something. Then on the time, there was wedding. Bridegroom is from Nicaragua. and bride is Filipina. Then after in municipal hall, they are going to a restaurant. we, my companions and I joined the dinner, even i don't know them... I was ashame, but it's not so strange in here... It's very nice country. ... Many participants were singing for bride and bridegroom. And there was a slide show about them. After dinner, they cut the cake, and drank wine. Then They were dancing. It was a happy time. Happy wedding. Wedding (09.April.09)