Here is a very wide area in Benguet. Usually in Benguet is mountainous area, but there are 4,000ha here. So here is the most important vegetable area in Benguet. They are producing Potatoes, Cabbage, Lettuce, etc. However, they are not using tractor yet, all work is on manual. Cultivating, planting, harvesting, and carrying… It is really hard work… … In Japan, if there is a like area, They readjust their land to fix good for transportation and for tractor, even their land become smaller. So that they can produce more in an area, and lesser labor cost. … And they are using herbicide to kill weeds. It’s really bad practice. the chemicals are bad for plants, even soil. And the weeds are very beneficial materials for soil. And also they must control weed’s seeds, weed when the grass are small. So that weeds will be lesser and lesser. … Here, they improve their farming soon.