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Showing posts from June, 2009

Es ist egal...17

プロジェクトが延長するかもしれへんねんて。 直売所の経営(の遊び事)を、こっちの農家組織に移行させるねんて。 なんでかって言ったら、わたくしの仕事を事務と普及に集中させるからやねんて。 いろいろと疑問であったり、大丈夫か?と思ったりするところはあったけれど、 説明がしにくいからしませんでした。あかんことですが。 ・・・ まず、人の遊びをとらないで。 忙しいのはわかるけれど、面白いからやってるのに。 移行させても絶対今の状態では続きません。 わたくしを事務のプロにしたいのですか? わたくしはいやです。 ・・・ 今のところ思うのは、ビジネスとしてモデルを作らないといけないと思う。 売るところ大事。 こっちの人は、なかなか始めないからまずは強制的にさせるのが良いと思う。 悪く言うとお金でつってでも。 そしたら、あっちは生活が安定するし、こっちは徐々に土作りをやってもらえる。そんで、量があれば売れるところが増える。 と、想う今日この頃。

Hands-on Training for Bokashi Preparation

We had training for Bokashi Preparation this morning. First, Mr. Yokomori was talking what bokashi is, and for what on his lecture. Then we had demonstrated at the site in wangal. Today it is only mixing materials. We need to follow up depends upon the Bokashi condition. The participants were almost 50 persons. They are BSU students, La Trinidad Farmers, LATOP farmers, Tublay farmers, LA Trinidad agriculturist and agricultural staff, Provincial agriculturist and agricultural staff, and Tublay agriculturist. … I thought this training was very special. Because, BSU conducted, La Trindad sponsored, Province provided site. So all units in La Trinidad are helping us. I was glad it very much. Thank you very much. And I know some participated farmers. It means The farmers are interested in Mr. Yokomori’s technologies. I hope they will practice actual. Even if they attend good seminar, the most important things is that they will practice themselves or not. If they do act...


This grapes are in Bineng. A project farmer is planting it. おいしそう・・・

Meine Träume

I want to be a farmer to produce delicious vegetable. I want to be a vegetable dealer for farmers to have better income. I want to be a farmers supplier to sell good products for cheaper. I want to be a manager of library for children to know more things about the world. I want to make a system to provide lunch in school. I want to supply healthy food. I want to have the best family :)

Article on 21. June.

  There is an article again on Baguio Midland Courier. The writer is talking an opinion. The opinion is that Mr. Yokomori was talking for Benguet farmers. It is about soil enrichment (Japanese word is “ Tsuchi dukuri ”) Here, Benguet is called salad Bowl in Philippines. But it might be destroyed the name, because of wrong farming method. So Mr. Yokomori is teaching right farming method, sustainable farming method. It is not difficult way. It is easy way. Anybody can do it, if you work patient. Being patient is basic of farming. I think not only farming, but also any kinds work. … This project is making his dream in Benguet. But the most important is farmers. Even DA, even Province, even LGU, are very interested in his idea, Benguet farmers should follow his technologies for themselves. His technologies are based on his farming. … But It is the most difficult things… It is the most important problem.

衝動買い wieder

auf Deutschland wieder. Hehehe :P


auf Deutschland. Hehehe :)

Bokashi Preparation

We will be having Demo-Training on 23. June. At somewhere… Now we are selecting the venue. This Demo-Training are conducted by BSU and this project. Why is the venue not at BSU? Because… There is a problem. … Anyway. … Bokashi is a one of Organically fertilizer made of rice bran. Bokashi’s effect is to give nutrients and beneficially micro-organisms for the soil.


Heidenai!! It continues to rain… I experienced this first time… It was very strong storm… But it was not typhoon. It was just monsoon rain… This rain continued for 3 days… … I had a desire… I wanted to ride bicycle on this road… Maybe next time :P